financing home repairs to avoid further damage

financing home repairs to avoid further damage

What to Know about Jumping Bail

by Albane Francois

Bail jumping is not nearly as athletic as it sounds. In fact, it's more related to a lack of action than action. When a person jumps bail, they are taking a fruitless action. Read on to find out more about bail jumping and what to expect if someone you know is about to make the leap.

What is Bail Jumping?

When you are released on bail, the release comes with conditions. The most important condition, usually, is for the defendant to return when it's time for court. When the defendant fails to do that, it's known as bail jumping. Once a court date is missed, bail could be revoked. Bail revocations mean that the defendant is no longer legally free from jail. The judge sitting on the bench can immediately issue a bench warrant for the defendant's arrest. Also, an additional charge is added to the previous charges the defendant must face. Failure to appear is often a misdemeanor and can call for large fines and jail time.

Why Jump Bail?

There are many reasons why people don't appear in court as ordered. Some may forget, some may already be incarcerated, some may not have transportation, and some may be ill. However, many defendants are fearful of what may happen when they appear in court. They may not be prepared to face the punishment, which can include being immediately taken into custody. All those things can lead people to make poor decisions and jump bail.

What About the Bail Money?

Being released from jail is accomplished in one of three ways. You can be released on your own recognizance without having to pay any bail. However, you must still obey bail conditions. You also have the option to pay the full amount of the bail money to the court, but that is often very expensive. If you do pay the full amount of the bail, it's refunded once the case is over. However, if you choose to jump bail, that money is not refunded. Many defendants choose to get out of jail using a bail bond.

What is a Bail Bond?

A bail bond is a lot less expensive than bail. It's a percentage of the full bail cost. However, defendants have an additional layer of bail conditions to obey. For example, many bail agents require the defendant to check in with the bail agent once a week. That helps insure they appear in court as they should. If you jump bail using a bail bond, you become automatically liable for the full cost of the bail.

Talk to a bail agency such as Steele Boys Bail Bonds about the ramifications of not appearing in court to find out more.


About Me

financing home repairs to avoid further damage

How many times have you put off making repairs around your home because you didn't have the money to make them immediately? Have those decisions caused even more repair bills because you waited to make the repairs? I have done this several times in the past, and, oftentimes, not making those repairs have cost me far more to complete because the damage spread. The whole reason I created my blog was to help others find the financing they need to make home repairs without worrying about choosing the wrong type of financing option. Hopefully, my hard-learned lessons will help you avoid the same struggles that I have undergone.
